GPS Car Tracker
How can a GPS car tracker benefit my business?
With an incredible amount of information available at your fingertips in real time, you will simply be better equipped to understand how efficiently your fleet of vehicles is being operated. Armed with this information you will be able to raise the bar on efficiency and productivity across the board. Typically employees are 10x more efficient and 100x less likely to break the rules when they know that their actions are being monitored.
Why would I want a GPS car tracker on my personal vehicle?
The three most compelling reasons to add a GPS car tracker to your personally vehicle are: theft recovery, tracking family members and discouraging reckless driving habits of teenage drivers. Did you know that speed has been a factor in 37% of crashes involving 16 year olds. Getting a speeding ticket could result in $3,000 per year in increased premiums. Do you know how far from home your teen is going? With GPS trackers for cars your teen driver will be much more likely to behave like you are in the seat next to them. It’s amazing what effect a bug GPS car tracker can have.Is there really a difference between the information various GPS car tracker devices provide?
If there weren’t differences in the level of service and information, there simply wouldn’t be so many different products available. Differences between GPS car tracker devices include how often location is tracked, what triggers location tracking (time, movement or manual triggering), how the information is reported (stored or relayed wirelessly in real time), amount of additional information incorporated into the system (ignition start / stop, door locks, engine status, speed, distance traveled, etc), battery life, and perhaps the biggest area of differentiation being the user interface (how the information is actually reported).
Can I really expect return on investment for installing a GPS car tracker system?
Absolutely. 40% of customers report ROI in 0-6 months. 35% report ROI in 7-12 months. 19 % report ROI in 13-24 months. With a GPS car tracker system ROI is truly determined in your ability to take action on the information. Information is what a GPS car tracker system will give you. Implementation is up to you. For a detailed insight into how much you ROI you can expect for your business, check out our ROI calculator. Or call a Live View GPS expert at: 1-877-423-3071
You maybe one of the many in the present times who is opting to invest for car tracker device. If you value your car and would be devastated if it was stolen, picking up a car tracking system could be that little bit more security you need.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your questions, with car tracking device you can have different ways to monitor your premises of what is going to be legitimate. Say for instance if you are tracking your spouse's vehicle and in several states if you're tracking your vehicle with your employees in it.